Informatyka? Ależ to bardzo proste!
Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard
Forma - barwa - faktura
Kopania, Kamil
Animated sculptures of the crucified Christ in the religious culture of the Latin Middle Ages
Kopania, Kamil
Dolls and Puppets as Artistic and Cultural Phenomena (19th – 21st Centuries)
Kopania, Kamil
Dolls, Puppets, Sculptures and Living Images From the Middle Ages to the End of the 18th Century
Kopania, Kamil
Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy
Luscher, Kurt
Śląsk Cieszyński w początkach czasów nowożytnych (1528–1653)
Panic, Idzi
Śląsk Cieszyński w okresie 1653-1848
Spyra, Janusz
Śląsk Cieszyński od Wiosny Ludów do I wojny Światowej (1848–1918)
Panic, Idzi
Śląsk Cieszyński w latach 1918–1945
Nowak, Krzysztof